Update on Louisiana Universities Resilient Architecture Collaborative

Update on Louisiana Universities Resilient Architecture Collaborative – LURAC (https://css.lsu.edu/project/louisiana-universities-resilient-architecture-collaborative-lurac-inaugural-summit/).  Members:  LSU, Tulane, UNO, UL-Lafayette and La Tech.

 Lowlander’s collaboration with the architecture, landscape and planning departments at all Louisiana colleges around the state who have such programs  is entering its third year.  Year two included a student exhibit of their work, held at LSU (see photos), and meetings of faculty of the involved programs to build a useful and lasting program. Funding for the efforts was obtained from the Louisiana Sea Grant with the leadership of advisory committee chair, Traci Birch, of LSU Architecture and the Coastal Sustainability Lab.  This coming year, goals include expanding the number of faculty participating and honing resilience learning content to be shared both electronically and in person with faculty and students.  After another season of very extreme Mississippi River flooding, there is no doubt that a state-wide university collaborative on design, planning and integrating resilient components of habitation of this coastal state is benefitted by introducing them early and robustly to those disciplines most likely to have an important role to play.

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