Assistance for Felicia Collins

It is with heavy hearts we share that one of our disaster justice colleagues, Felicia Collins who has been on the front lines in serving the Lake Charles community, and the surrounding region, after Hurricane Laura, and the winter storms, has lost her husband to COVID-19 yesterday. While working to give bicycles to kids during Christmas and sheltering and feeding folks, Felicia and her husband contracted COVID-19.Though Felicia overcame this pandemic, her husband was not as fortunate. Despite her suffering some of the same losses of home and stability, she has worked directly with the community to help any and everyone she could. We'd like to take this opportunity to help her with her expenses to help lift the burden. If you would like to contribute to the Collins family, click the button below to donate through the Lowlander Center. 100% of all the funds will go directly to the family. Thank you for your support of Mrs. Felicia Collins and her family.